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Kamui Pharma, Inc. is a drug discovery startup

originated from Asahikawa Medical University, focused on probiotic medicine

Change the medical world with probiotic medicine

We are a drug discovery bio-venture originated from Asahikawa Medical University, established based on the research of Professor Mikihiro Fujiya’s group, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Asahikawa Medical University.

We were founded in April 2018 after inheriting research from Asahikawa Medical University and Sapporo Holdings Co., Ltd. on the "development of novel therapeutic agents for inflammatory bowel disease using probiotic-derived long-chain polyphosphoric acid".

​We are conducting research and development of candidate substances for new therapeutic agents utilizing probiotic-derived bioactive substances in the gastrointestinal and anticancer fields.


Asahikawa Medical University, 2-1-1-1, Midorigaoka-Higashi, Asahikawa,

078-8510 JAPAN

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